Modern Slavery

We recognise that businesses have an important role to play in addressing modern slavery. In accordance with Arena’s sustainability framework, we have committed to strengthening the management of our modern slavery risks, including to voluntarily opt in to report under Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

In late 2023 Arena issued our second voluntary Modern Slavery Statement (Statement). The Statement outlines the actions we have taken to strengthen our modern slavery risk management approach and highlights our aim to continue to refine our response over the coming years. We look forward to continuing to build on our modern slavery response in line with our roadmap, working in partnership with our tenant partners and other key stakeholders where appropriate.

Arena’s Modern Slavery Statement

Arena’s Supplier Code of Conduct

Arena has adopted a principles-based code to help communicate Arena’s expectations to suppliers, including that suppliers take steps to ensure modern slavery is not used in their own operations and supply chains and that suppliers have processes in place to allow workers to report concerns.

Useful Links

The Modern slavery in Australia website brings together authoritative, factual information on modern slavery in Australia, including how to get help and how to support someone else. It provides information for people interested in understanding Australia’s modern slavery laws and policies. It also contains useful guidance, training and resources.

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