Dividend & distribution reinvestment plan

Arena REIT (ARF) has a dividend and distribution reinvestment plan (DRP) which is currently open.

Under the Plan:

  • Participation is voluntary;
  • Investors can participate in the DRP for all or part of their security-holding;
  • There are no fees, brokerage or other transaction costs for Securities issued under the Plan;
  • Holders can join, withdraw, or vary participation in the Plan at any time;
  • Securities acquired under the Plan will rank equally with existing Securities; and
  • Securities may be issued at a discount to the VWAP over the Pricing Period.

Under the Plan, Arena will determine the Pricing Period and any DRP Discount that may apply.

A copy of the DRP rules (Plan) can be downloaded here.

If you wish to participate in the DRP please complete an application to participate via InvestorServe or request an application form by calling 1800 008 494 or emailing info@arena.com.au. To participate, applications must be received prior to the close of business on the first business day after the record date for the distribution.

Unit pricing

Arena REIT Management Limited has elected to rely on ASIC Class Order [CO 13/655] in relation to the stapled group including the managed investment schemes Arena REIT No.1 ARSN 106 891 641 and Arena REIT No.2 ARSN 101 067 878.


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