Arena REIT is a triple stapled entity comprising Arena REIT No. 1 (ARSN 106 891 641) (ARF1), Arena REIT No. 2 (ARSN 101 067 878) (ARF2) and Arena REIT Limited ACN 602 365 186 (ARL). Arena REIT Management Limited ACN 600 069 761 (ARML) is the responsible entity of ARF1 and ARF2. ARL is the ultimate holding company of ARML and its other wholly owned subsidiaries.
ARL and ARML have separate boards of directors (Boards). A co-ordinated approach is undertaken by ARL and ARML to the corporate governance of Arena and the same corporate governance framework is applied to the wholly owned subsidiaries of ARL and its employees.
The Boards have adopted Board Charters which provide the framework for their operation and set out the functions and responsibilities of the Boards, those matters expressly reserved to the Boards and those matters that are delegated to management. The Boards have delegated certain responsibilities to committees comprised of the independent, non-executive directors of ARL and ARML. The scope and responsibilities of the committees are specified in the Audit Committee Charter, the Culture and Remuneration Committee Charter and the Nomination Committee Charter.
The Boards have created a framework for managing entities within the Arena group, which includes a Code of Conduct to provide a benchmark for professional behaviour; policies and procedures to ensure that Arena fulfils its functions effectively and responsibly; relevant internal controls and a risk management process.